In collaboration with National Sexual Violence Resource Center and Futures Without Violence.

​Emergency Contraception Resources:
American Society for Emergency Contraception Reports and Fact Sheets:
Distribution of Emergency Contraception (EC) By Organizations: Legal Issues
Mechanism of Action of Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraceptive Pills
Emergency Contraception for Every Campus (student website) and EC 101
Emergency Contraception for Transgender and Nonbinary Patients
Emergency Contraception in the COVID-19 Era: Advance access is more important than ever
Emergency Contraception: A guide for Pharmacies and Retailers
Chart: Emergency Contraception: Birth Control that Works After Sex, Bedsider and Bixby Center at the University of California, San Francisco
Find Health Care (Tool in English and Spanish), Bedsider
Resources for EC after SA/DV:
Providing Emergency Contraception to Sexual Assault Survivors, National Women’s Law Cente
Frequently Asked Questions: Over-the-counter (OTC) medications in domestic violence and sexual violence programs, Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance
Trauma, and Mental Health: Model Medication Policy for DV Shelters, National Center on Domestic Violence
1. Emergency Contraception for Every Campus. Emergency Contraception Basics [Internet]. 2023; Available from: https://www.ec4ec.org/ec-101/
2. American Society for Emergency Contraception. Mechanism of Action of Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraceptive Pills, [Internet]. 2022;Available from: https://www.americansocietyforec.org/_files/ugd/7f2e0b_60b64d14bc4445d29c70aad73618950b.pdf
3. Cleland K, Zhu H, Goldstuck N, Cheng L, Trussell J. The efficacy of intrauterine devices for emergency contraception: a systematic review of 35 years of experience. Hum Reprod 2012;27(7):1994–2000.
4. American Society for Emergency Contraception. Efficacy of emergency contraception and body weight: Current understanding and recommendations [Internet]. 2022;Available from: www.americansocietyforec.org/reports-and-factsheets
5. Raymond EG, Cleland K. Clinical practice. Emergency contraception. NEnglJMed 2015;372(14):1342–8.
6. Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. FRSH Guideline: Emergency Contraception. 2020.
7. Haeger KO, Lamme J, Cleland K. State of emergency contraception in the U.S., 2018. Contracept Reprod Med 2018;3:20.
8. Jatlaoui TC, Riley H, Curtis KM. Safety data for levonorgestrel, ulipristal acetate and Yuzpe regimens for emergency contraception. Contraception 2016;93(2):93–112.
9. Li HWR, Gemzell-Danielsson K. Mechanisms of action of emergency contraception pills. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2019;24(1):11–2.
10. American Society for Emergency Contraception. Distribution of Emergency Contraception by Organizations: Legal Issues [Internet]. Available from: https://www.americansocietyforec.org/reports-and-factsheets
11. American Society for Emergency Contraception. “This is much harder than I thought it would be.” Access to over-the-counter emergency contraception in America [Internet]. Available from: www.americansocietyforec.org/reports-and-factsheets
12. American Society for Emergency Contraception. Emergency contraception: A guide for pharmacies and retailers [Internet]. 2016;Available from: http://americansocietyforec.org/uploads/3/4/5/6/34568220/pharmacy_ec_access_overview.pdf